My Beekeeping Excursion
I will be starthing my beekeeping excursion in early June despite how late in the season I am. I ordered this kit to get me started as well as some other things from Dadant and if you're wondering what exactly I ordered it's a screened bottom board, two of these kits, twenty frames worth of plastic foundation, a flat top( The one I bought had a hole in the top for easy feeding of the bees) and a bee brush. I realy felt like an idiot when I left because I forgot a queen excluder. I couldn't get the Russians that I wanted this time of year so I'll have to go with the industry standard since the 1860s, Apis mellifera linguistica, the Italian honeybee. I really busted my budget though. I've totaled about $400.00 when you include regestration fees. Worst of all is that the bees may be killed in the first year by Varroa mites. Hopefully, later I will be able to post pictures of the bees and other stuff that I read. Enjoy as the story unfolds...NEXT MONTH!
who the hell cares about bees?
-The Master of Splap
You are a very funny guy, you should make a blog on stupid, random, splap-type stuff!
-The Master of Splap
No splap shall be made in your name! It might however be made in anoter...MINE! HERE POST I WILL PHOTOS OF MY HIVE! You will tremble befor the power of bees. Yay I finally went splappin' crazy! My Favorite
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